Monday, February 20, 2012

Where Our Tale Begins

Hello, food lovers. Sean, here. This the inaugural post in the collaborative food blog between myself and Stephen Whitmore, two friends who miss cooking together and who like trying new things. We met while we were studying abroad in Oxford, and while we were there we cooked together frequently along with our other friends. When I left to come home, I knew one of the things that I was going to miss the most was cooking with Stephen, and we thought a food blog would be a cool way to stay in touch and continue to explore the culinary arts together.

Here's how the set up is going to work. One of us will post a recipe once a week, describe how we found/developed it, and describe the success of the results.  Then the other will try it out, tweaking and/or reinterpreting the recipe, and post his results. The next week the roles will switch. Feel free to try these out yourselves, and if you do, leave a comment. Once we get some logistical stuff taken care of, our first recipes will be up soon.